Good Sat. morning everyone, I had no intentionsof going tag saleing today, not many of them advertised and I wanted to sleep in. Well I got up around 8 and took my recycle things to the center and on the way back hit a sale and bought some wooden spools to fill some jars with. Them saw another one andthey didnt have anything but thier nieghbors had 5 sets of old shutters in the trash. They said I could have them!! Got home and thought I had done well for the day. The hubby called and said Oh you should see what I have for you. He pulled in the driveway with the old mustard glider, the galvanized washtub, the 2 enamelware pans,2 old watering cans and several boxes of jars!! I guess Im making more jars for my craft show. Fri. he came home with the old weather vane. Ive been looking for one all summer to set out in yard. The photo of the fence down happened ealy this morning. Mike was going to work and heard something, a herd of deer where coming through the yard and he must of spooked them and they jumped the splitrail and evidently didn't make it over. He says he can fix it this weekend. The splitfence runs the whole length of teh side yard behind the pool. One yr. he ask what I wanted for my birthday and I said a splitrail fence! The primitve doll is something I got this week from some of my prize money from the Country Sampler Contest I won. I orderd some fall things, Ill update you on and them I waiting to sped the ramainder on Christams stuff! The sampler I have just finished this wk. I had bought the frame at a tag sale, painted it up and did the sampler. I got the saying off the site. I like it so much I might keep it. Well its a beautiful Sat. day and cool, i have stuff to do inside, but the outside is pulling me that way. I might go out and find a place for my new glider. You ladies have a great weekend!~
A Recently Sourced Curated Vignette
I love it when "new" vintage decor for the pop-up shop comes together to
create a styled and cohesive vignette. Keep reading for the details and a
few tips...
20 hours ago
what great finds! love them all!
Wow, great stuff! Hubby did good didnt he??
awesome goodies!!!
i found you through angie;s site and i am adding you to my blog roll.
i am back again. i was already on your blog
how the heck did i not have you on mine?? i am loving all your posts!!
you can erither spary your newer spoons with oven cleaner and let set or soak them with drano. either one will remove the new finish so that it looks old.
p.s. hang on to the glider! one just sold on ebay a few days ago for over 400.00!!
Hi Dawn, It looks like you find some great stuff ! Thanks for stopping by my blog ! I'm looking forward to adding fall pics to my fall blog. I'll add my pictures mid September. Can't wait to see yours !I'm adding you to my blog list also. :-) Janae
You always find such great things!!
Stop by my blog...I have given you an award!!
I just found your blog and I'm glad I did I'll be back for more visits. Great goodies you got there. Can't wait to hear all about what you do with them.
Wonderful, wonderful finds! I am SOOOO jealous!
Have a great day!
i think you and your hubby hit the mother load this weekend at your tag sales...what a great guy to pick up such prim goodies for you...we see deer around here too but i have never seen them in heards...only about 7 at a time...must of been a site to see...
All I can say is oh my gosh and where do you live. I have got to go to one of these tag sales everyone talks about! How fun. No one in S. Calif. sells stuff like this. I would go absolutely nuts if I found stuff like this around here. Yippeeee for you, it looks like a wonderful load of stuff. Your hubby did great. Pat him on the back for me, a very sad Californian!
Blessings, Debbie
Love, love, love that glider!
Those are great! I would get so excited over all that! What a sweet husband you have to know exactly what you would love and get them for you!
And your birthday requests sound like mine! I've had other women that think I'm crazy for the things I want for my birthday (jewelry doesn't mean near as much as those type of things that Jason knows I love)!
And about your comment on my blog...yes the good side to the kitchen being a mess is eating out...but it's back in order now! Well that is until countertop time!
Have a great day!
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for visiting me and asking about the Witches Hat. To answer your question yes they are for sale and made to order. I am asking 15.00 plus 3.00 shipping. I can even customize it for you. IF you would like a crow, a star or even a mouse I can do that.
And Kim is right, hang on to that glider. Can you believe someone paid 400.00 for one?
Can you e-mail me,my e-mail is in my profile right under the photo.
I need to know if you want a spring on yours, if you do it won't sit flat it has to sit in a tree.
You can just mail a check, I will give you my address when you e-mail me.
I'm so jealous... awesome treasures!
What great finds!!! I love your jars - was reading old posts. You can put material through the printer?? I would love to make some. You really found some great treasures!!
Isn't it great when our hubbies just KNOW what we like! My hubbie, Mike, is the same way. He brought home some old diesel filters the other day--he said I could take the paper part out and the metal part would make a great candle holder! It just cracks me up to see a logical, hard workin' man like Mikey thinking all "crafty"!
I nominated you for an award. Visit my blog for the details ! Have a great day ! :-) Janae
Great treasures!
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