Monday, July 22, 2013

Repurposed Funnel

 Well I just love my new light fixture that literly just took minutes to get up. Don't you just love it. It looks so great at my kitchen window.
 I just had it laying out in the potting shed and thought this would make a great light fixture!!
 I have been looking at this recessed light convertion kit at Lowes and I bought one today, about $17. It literly took me just a few minutes to put it up.
 I also picked up 2 of these vintage edison light bulds at Lowes to put in the fixture.They were about $9 a pop but I love the vintage look. Mike just cut a hole in the top of the funnel and it is just the look I was after.
 This is a shelf I bought at a great little flea market on the way to Joplin that I hit this week with my mom. Its a great little peely shelf I picked up for $15. I have not found a spot for it yet but when I do I will post.
And my last picture is of the great soap dispincer I bought at a new shop that has opened in the last 2 wks. here in town. Julies Antique Flower factory. Its a great shop full of repurposed goodies. Julie is so talented. I just love this at my kitchen sink. Well I have been chalk painting my small bathroom cabniets this week I am going to apply the paste wax to it in the morning. I will post when I get that going!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!

 I pledge Allegiance to the Flag
 Of the United States of America
 And to the Republic
 For which it stands
 One nation
 under God
 With libety
 and justice
 for all!