I found these three great crocks with lids on them at a tag sale. Remember, someone had painted a fall scene on them and I scratched it off. I put some old prim labels on them and have them on an old dishwasher made right here in Independence. Ks.

I finished my pledge of allegiance on the flag. I love how it turned out. I went to Wal Mart and bought a few more flags to work on today maybe.

These are a few of my goodies from the tag sales this weekend.

My strawberry basket I found at a junk store, $12

The Christmas tree goes in the garage until needed$2.50, the bandannas I have used for the fourth of July around clay pots and my overalls I have draped over my bicycles in the yard.The old mail box I thought I'd put some flowers in out in the yard somewhere. The old crate was $2. I loved it as soon as I saw it!

The cute little brown bowl I got for a buck, the round wooden plate was also a buck, I'll paint it up. The little black stool was $2, and the craute cutter I pd $5 for. I found alot this weekend. The hubby bought an air conditioner that came out of a motel. It has heat and air for $100. for my little shop. I think that is going to be an early fall project. Additional plug ins, peg board, and adding all my screen doors and barn wood. I told him the other day, the computer room wouldn't be so cluttered if I had my little shop finished! Just to find the time. Well it is so hot, I just cleaned the pool a little bit ago and I'm thinking about taking full advantage of it and going for a swim. It's to hot to do anything else outside! Happy Sunday.
Great stuff!!
Wow ~ you struck gold this weekend. Good for you.
you got some awesome goodies!
the little brown bowl may be a piece of HULL pottery.
check the bottom and see if it says anything on the bottom.
Hull pottery has two sets of markings: pre-1950 and post-1950. The pre-1950 pieces are marked: "HULL USA" AND "HULL ART USA" and may have a paper label as well. Post-1950 pieces are marked: "HULL" in large script or block lettering.
i would take the slicer shredder, lol. thats really neat!
WOW - I can't believe how many wonderful items you found!!
Great stuff!
Excellent finds, I haven't even been to a yard sale this year yet...bummer
What great finds! Love the crocks and love what you did with them! ~~Annie
WOW You hit JACK POT!!!!!!!!!!!!sooo fun== I have just as much fun seeing what you got just like if it was my own ;) did that make sense ha--
Wow great stuff. I have a little stool like yours made by my FIL( a few months before his passing) 14yrs ago for my son who is now 16. We cherish it.
the crocks look gorgeous. i used those labels on glass storage jars and i love how they look.
i used to use a set-up just like yours when i was a teen ager. we picked strawberries for a neighbor who had acres of them. good memories. thanx!
Everything looks great! I love how the crocks came out and love all of your finds. It's rare to find that much good stuff at one time around here. You lucky duck!
Have a great week!
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