Wow, what a week. On the 7th my hubby was pushing his trailer back behind the garage and tore is Achilles heel tendon from his calf about 1/3 of the way. It's an inside tear. Of course, he worked the rest of the week, we cleaned up that tree mess on the weekend and on Monday when it wasn't any better he went to the doctor and had a MRI on Tues. and had a air boot on by Wed. Man Oh Man! What bad timing. He and our daughter are
scheduled to leave on the 26th with 33 of her 8th grade classmates and 5 other adults on a trip to Washington DC for 4 days!! Yea, Lots of walking~ He has been good to use crutches and a walker with the boot. He has stayed off of it alot and is going back on Thurs. of next week to have the doctor take another look at it. He seems to think Mike can still go on the trip, with maybe another type of boot to be worn with a tennis shoe. UGGGGG! I'm praying he is healed up by then!!!! I celebrated my 45th birthday on the 14th. The hubby made me a coupon good for a split rail fence for when he is healed up. He made it out of sticks glued to an index card. I forgot to take a picture of that.

These are some of my tag sale goodies I found last weekend. The bowls I'm going to paint up. The wire cooling racks I thought I could do something with. Can never pass up cutting boards! And I thought the little picket was adorable. Paid 1 $ for that. This weekend is suppose to be beautiful. I hope to get up in the morning and hit a few more. Tonight I mowed. I love to mow. I have a huge industrial mower. Mowing is therapy for me!! We have about 3 acers to mow. We had our first parent meeting for the new next yr cheerleading season. Taylor made JV cheerleader for her freshman yr. in high school next yr. We met her new couch. She's really sweet! Taylor is excited. She did find out they have conditioning and practice at 5:30 am, yes that is am this summer. She is not a morning person. She says she will get up good, since it is something she wants to do, well see! No sleeping in for me though. It will be nice when she can drive!! Well I hope to post some great finds I will have tomorrow from the tag sales. Oh we took the kids in my school to the movie Hannah Montana today for the end of the yr. treat. K-2nd grade. A girl I grew up with living across the street was in it. She was the lady in blue who has her wig pulled off at the reception table. Jackie Thompson. She moved to Nashville where she perused a singing career and married a record producer there. She does extras in movies. Kind of exciting knowing someone on the big screen! Way to go Jackie! Have a great Saturday Ladies