I put a few in the galvanized tin and a few in the painted black bowl. Two dowel rods made about 36 of them. I cut them at random lengths like Char suggested! Thanks Char so much for the tutorial. I so enjoyed making them! I might make more and fill an old jar with them!!
They look so cute with the fuse glue on! I'm ready for the fourth!!
They look so cute with the fuse glue on! I'm ready for the fourth!!
Today I had a gentleman call me to see if I wanted an old typewriter his mother in law was selling. I really didn't have a use for it, but this little thing caught my eye. They had $15.00 OBO, so I offered $10.00 and they took it. Now what am I going to do with it you ask? It wasn't my idea, it was Ki's from Junkmarket! I saw in her magazine that someone used one of these to ice down can or bottled pop ! Great idea hu! Wish I had thought of it, taking off the lid and throwing a bag of ice in it and filling it up with drinks at my next cookout!! I love the little cabinet that comes with it. The cooker just lifts off! Isn't that cute, now if I had been thinking I would have downloaded the picture from the book so you ladies could see one in action. Sorry, I have been blogging for over 1 yr. now and I haven't even figured out how to download more than 5 pictures at a time. You know when you make a new post, there are only spaces for 5 photos, how do you get more??
Well my sister-in-law and her neighbor are having a tag sale in the morning and I went over tonight to shop early! I bought the refrigerator bottle from her neighbor for .50 and the little bowl for $1.00, the shaker box I got for .75. Ill paint it black of course!! Speaking of black! I'm almost done with my bathroom. My shower curtain arrived in the mail today. Beth had one in her new bathroom and she shared the website she got it from and I ordered on on Mon. It looks so good. I need to make a valance, I'm thinking about using a pitch fork for the rod. I don't know yet how I will pull that off. And I am juggling some ideas on my lighting. If I knew how to post more than 5 pics at a time, I could show you. Well Mike called earlier and their flight had been delayed due to bad weather. They were sitting on the plane expected to leave in 15 min. If they arrived on time to catch their next flight, they would only be 1 1/2 hrs. late. But if they miss the flight, they may have to sleep in Dallas Fort Worth. And no they did not pack carry on clothes as he did on the flight up there. It's now been 3 hrs. since I last spoke to him, I'm not sure what's going on yet. Well I'm off to tag sales again in the morning, wish me luck, it's suppose to be a beautiful day. Oh Mom went back out today and the goat was not in the fence!!!!And yes, she did lose sleep over it!