Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dried Sunflowers

Good Evening Ladies,

You know come along Thursday and I haven't read everyone's post I tell myself, Ok, I'm going to sit down at that computer and spend the evening reading and it just doesn't happen. Here it is Sunday evening and I still haven't caught up with everyone. I hate that. I need a longer weekend! i have been working on stuff for the Christmas Craft show Dec. 6th. I have never done this before, and of course I'm nervous. I will have a booth 10 ft x10 ft. with two tables. I'm hoping to have a screen door or window on legs to showcase some things. We can sit up the night before! I don't know if I have to much or not enough. If I have made things that wont sell or will I sell out and should have made more? Ill make myself silly before this is over. i did read in a blog site where she had a harvest sale in her yard. I like the sound of that idea. maybe I could do that next yr! i guess i will just keep working on things until the date. The first photo is of some sunflowers I "found". Most of them were dried up but some I have hanging on my back porch drying. Today I sprayed some with a matte spray to protect them. i put some in a big jar and made a label "Kansas Harvest Sunflowers" I painted the lid black, Ill have to post that. i can see some in a wreath or on a shelf or in an old bowl. The second photo is of some of my tag sale finds sat. morning. The two crocks I pd. 4.00 each, the ladders were .75 each, the little stools were 1.00 each, one is black but I might prim that other black also. The galvanized tub i bought at my favorite antique place, pd. 6.00 for it. really was to high but I liked the shape. I put it on my bathroom wall. I will have to post that too. Well its late and I need to get up early tomorrow for school. The week of the 20th is Neewollah. we don't have school on the 23-24th. I will try to get photos of the festivities and post them. have a great week everyone.


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...


I'm like you...I have been trying forever it seems to catch up on blog reading and it just isn't happening! I hate that too!

I think dried sunflowers are so neat! I should try that sometime! I also can't believe the goodies at the great prices you find at tag sales. Ladders for .75? Wow! And even crocks at that price...I never find that good of deals! Way to go!


Raggedy Angel said...

Try not to worry about the booth to much you will take all the fun out of it! You will be great!
Screen or Bifold doors make great display walls. beth

The Gathering Room said...

Have fun with the show! nice finds at the tag the sunflower heads. Florist put those in winter wreaths here for birds

basketsnprims said...

I love dried sunflowers. I have 5 with their stems in an old blue jar that I first filled with rosehips. Great finds with such great prices that you got this weekend. Have fun getting ready for the show.

Leslie said...

The dried sunflowers look great :)

I'm having trouble keeping up with the blogs, too! LOL The longer I'm at it, the more new ones I find and the longer my blog roll list gets. The good part with the blog roll is I can check the ones that have new posts since I checked in so I'm not checking all of them. It saves me a bit of time! I also think I'm behind on answering questions and I feel bad about that but I can't help it!

Have a great day :)


Ann said...

I haven't been keeping up with my blog roll either. Between my own and my booth I just don't have the time to do it all.

I know what you mean about spending time making things that don't sell and then not making enough of the things that do.

I'm lucky, I think prim is a "new" things around my area so folks haven't see stuff like mine and are going crazy. They love the rag garlands and I can't make them fast enough. I have considered raising the price to slow them down. LOL

Pamela... Beehind Thyme Farm & Garden said...

Do what you can... and leave the rest to fall into place for your show. LOL... but I know what you mean. I have a big one this coming weekend... I will get the jitters come Thursday... no matter how many you do, it is like the first thyme. Wishing you many sales!!!

Have a Wonderful AuTuMn WeeK, Pamela

Tangee said...

I have the same problem, finding time to try and keep up with my fav blogs.

You found some great deals! I'm sure you'll do great with your booth. I admire you for doing it.

Something Nice and Pretty said...

I love those dried sunflowers, I've seen pics of them in a wooden bowel so prim:)

You sure got some nice things on your travels and at great prices too!

Have a wonderful time at our show!

Back in the Day said...

I LOVE the dried sunflowers! My favorite! I love anything with sunflowers though! Your tag sale finds are great! How lucky!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

You find the most amazing things at sales! Love it.

I know what you mean ... there doesn't seem to be enough time to do all the lovely things I'd like to do. Lately I've spent time stitching and enjoying this autumn. Winter will be a time of catching up.
