Just a few shots of the front of the house. I decorated for the Memorial Day red white and blue. I will probably just keep it all up for the summer. My Mom has a fit when she sees the old red quilt my grandmother made me on my front porch. But I just put it out there for the holidays and I love the red on the porch.

Here is a display I made up yesterday. I found this old tool box at a tag sale and have had it out in the potting shed forever. I painted it up red and antiqued it. I put a flag in it and added some firecrackers. I have it sitting on the island in the kitchen.

This is an idea I got off of someones blog. I loved the well pump at the kitchen. I found one for $10 from an old junk man and Mike attached it to a board I had painted up. I love it by the sink and it can be moved when I need more counter space.

We worked on this project on Sunday. I may cut back on the dirt pile. I have plans to plant the maiden grass and add some old junk to it. It is at the entrance of the driveway.

This was the hot sweaty project from yesterday. A new garden area. Now mind you I only wanted a spot for about 8-9 tomato plants. No, we had to go and make it much bigger. I have had a garden before and lost interest in it fast. I have never had a raised bed, so maybe the weeds would choke me out!

We got the pool up and running. Put in a new liner this yr. The daughter has already had two late night parties in it. It's nice that she's older, not so much supervision.

I made some antique tags and wrote some sayings on them. I also made the little tag holders. I have a pot sitting on every section of the deck! It says A weed is not but an unloved flower!

Here are a few tag sale finds I found last weekend. School was out Friday for the summer and I hit a few sales. These are longaburger baskets got both for $5. for both. I love the shape of them.

This is an old laundry basket I pd. $10 for. I'm going to put the beach towels on the back porch in it.

It came with the original Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval! paper with it.

We took our daughter and two friends to a driving school last weekend near Pittsburg Ks. and hit a couple flea markets and tag sales. I bought this cooler for $3 and at the flea market the same cooler went for $23.99. I got a great deal!!

I bought these from a friends tag sale. They belonged to her grandparents and it would have cost alot to powder coat them. I told her I liked them even rustier than this. Got them for $16 for the pair. Well the daughter is home from watching her boyfriend at his tennis match and we need to run up to the DMV and check into getting a licence so she can drive to work this summer. She started at the pool on Sunday. She like it alot. Have a great week!
Those are some awesome bargains. You hit those sales at the right time.
Maybe the dirt will settle some with a little rain. I like how you did the mound and it will look great with ornamental grasses.
I'm envious of those baskets--all 3 of them! ★ Linda ★
You have some amazing sales where you leave...obviously not near me!!!! Sales have been bad here for the past few years.
Love the longaberger and the old pump. My great grandparents had those chairs too and I sure wish I had them now!!!!
Your home looks so fun and welcoming!!
LOVE the pics! I gotta get out to more garage sales!
Those baskets are awesome, and your Americana display is so prim and festive! LOVE IT!
Thanks for sharing,
Great pictures and awesome finds! Few weeks ago, I found some L. baskets in the GW and they asked $40/ea.... You did a great steal with yours!
You have been busy. I think I am finished with the real sweaty yard work for the summer. We've had a real cool and rainy spring. This week just hot and humid. Time for air conditioning!
Great display, love all the americana! I like the tag too. Great tag sale finds I did that today too!
Great pictures of your beautiful home! You got some amazing finds at the tag sales you went to too. I love the igloo cooler... I'm looking for something like that to have out for my son's graduation party. Too bad you didn't live closer, I'd ask to borrow it. hehe!
Thanks for sharing~
as usual...ALL AWESOME FINDS & IDEAS!!!!!
Love the longaberger and the old pump. My great grandparents had those chairs too and I sure wish I had them now!
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