Saturday, November 21, 2009

Semi-Formal Pictures

Can you say group hug! Here are some pics of the kids going to semi formal last night. Ok, I did go ahead and put up some trees and lights. It started with the mantle and it just grew! I ended up putting up all the trees with lights, no Christmas yet just a wintery scene.
They all had a great time. She said they danced the night away! Sail Away was the theme. Here is Taylor and her boyfriend Sidney.

Don't they make a nice looking couple!!

They had dinner reservations at 6:30 at a local Italian restaurant. Then onto the dance at 8:00. This is one of her best friends. They started preschool together and have remained best friends since. Love ya Whitley! and her date Evan.

He leaves on Sunday for Mississippi for a family reunion during the Thanksgiving break. She will be so sad not to see him all week. Thank God for texting hu?? What did we ever do before that!
Thanks for letting me brag.


Debbie said...

Your daughter is beautiful! I love the lights in the background and would of never said a word about it if you had put up some Christmas decorations. I am seriously fighting the urge to do so here.

Take Care,

Lee Hill Primitives said...

Beautiful lady! Her dress is cute.

Never So Simple said...

What a beautiful young lady. Everyone looks so nice.


Something Nice and Pretty said...

Love her dress and they do make a cute couple!

Tolentreasures said...

Great looking couple and your decorating looks very festive!


prashant said...

I am seriously fighting the urge to do so here.

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