from Hobby Lobby! This morning at 3am. I couldn't sleep so I was up reading the latest blog and I came across RuthAnne from
http://www.sugarpiefarmhouse.com/chalkboard-love/. She has a great blog, go check it out. Her home is to die for. The kitchen is by far my favorite!! Anyhoo! She was posting this great product for her many chalkboards she has in her home. The brand I bought from Hobby Lobby was all I could find. But I love it. The chalk flow is wonderful!

It has such a great smooth line to it, and it erases just like chalk. Comes in many colors. I chose the basic. It was $9.99 but I had my 40 % coupon from the web site. So it was a great price.

I just love it. I have an old door the hubby put a piece of chalkboard and I have an original chalkboard from an old classroom attached to my craft rm door.

I headed to a community that was having a city wide tag sale this morning. Only it was pouring down rain. I waited awhile and then thought oh I'm up I might as well go. It was about a 45 min. drive. It was a little disappointing, but I did find some bargins. The little ladybug boots I will add a geranium to and put out in my garden somewhere. The great tray I got for $1.00 I have been on a "roll" lately finding those rolling pins! I just keep adding them to my crocks. The fabric I pd. .25, the cutting board was $1.00 and I'm going to try painting the cheese board up. I have seen alot of you ladies doing that. gotta love those wooden spoons too! Well I need to get the WalMart and pick up a few things. Maybe by then the sun will come out and I can paint something. I've been planting flowers lately. Ill post some pics later. Enjoy your day!
The chalk ink looks really interesting!
Great finds at the sale!
Great finds and that chalk board marker idea looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I like the chalk ink. Does it wash off easily??? I want a chalk board in my craft room once I get it painted. Have been thinking about using the chalkboard paint.
Wish I could find treasures like those at sales. I am going to make a point at hitting more yard sales this summer.
Take care and thanks for sharing!
Wow, I've never seen the chalk like that! Also, I love a great tag sale find - and you hit the jackpot!
Enjoyed your blog and I have added your blog to my blog list.
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