I picked up a few old metal chairs the other day. The tag sales have been terrible lately. I think its the weather, I mean who wants to have a sale when the temp is 110. Thats what its been here in southeast Kansas. But one morning the Mike called home and he had been listening to open line. Its a local radio station that you can call in to sell any item or if your looking for an item to purchase. He called me tto tell me someone had four old metal chairs for sale for $40. I tried the number many times and just got a busy signal. So I cross referenced the number and headed for the address across town. The guy hadn't sold them yet and so I bought them! I love the old blue one!

The yellow one matches the glider. All for $40. I haven't found a home for them in the yard as of yet. It is just to darn hot to do anything outside but be in my pool! Somedays I spend 3 hrs out there. I know I shouldn't be in the sun that long.

Don't you just love the colors!!!!

And the rust!!!!!!!!

I did spend a few minutes on the deck this evening, the hummingbirds are back. They were here and left and in just the last few days Ive seen about three of them fighting for nector. I have two feeders right in front of my kitchen window. And if you sit real still they will come up even as you sit on the deck!!!

Mike came home with this boat the other day. You never know woth my husband what he will be pulling into the yard on any given day. I was hoping to be in the water with it already but he has to replace the motor mounts on it. So for now it sits under the new carport. Well Ill have to take a picturre in the morning of the huge tree that fell almost on top of my pool this evening. Its huge, more pics tommorow!! Have a great evening.
Hi Dawn,
So glad to see that you are ok and back. I am sure you have been enjoying the pool in that heat. I am glad that the tree did not do any harm to the pool area. Nice boat. We have a boat too, but it needs work also along with the camper. It has had a leaky roof and we are going to have to redo the whole inside. Oh well, hubby will have a project for this winter, it is just too dang hot and muggy to be in there now tearing out and rebuilding. I can't wait to hear about all your adventures this past month. Love those chairs. I want some like that for our front porch but hubby wants wicker. Hugs and stay cool!!
I just wanted to let you know that I featured a picture of your whisk brooms on my blog today. Thanks. -Steph- www.frontporchprimitives.blogspot.com
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