Char, over at Pickled Pepper Patch suggested we find things we collect. Other than dust... I do have way to much I collect. I love crocks of all sizes and in the pst few yrs. I started collecting rolling pins to put in the crocks.

Of course, my jar collection I posted on not to long ago.

And my love for enamelware!! I cant seem to pass this up. I have way to much and yet I keep looking?????

This set is on the back wall of the screened in porch.

More enamelware in the laundry rm. along with a small collection of whisk brooms.

My whisk brooms I made into a valance in the laundry rm. No, I didn't come up with this idea. I think I first saw it in the Junk Beautiful magazine by Ki Nassauer, love those books!

More enamelware and jars.Well that will do for now on some of my collections. I'd love to part with the collection of dust! Any takers??????LOL
I loved seeing your collections. I have a "small" collection of rolling pins. I also love the way you have your enamel displayed on your porch.
You have everything displayed so nicely. I love the whisk broom valance, even if it wasn't your idea, you incorporated it into your home and it's very neat. Love all the labels on your pantry jars in the last photo. ~Ann
Awesome collections. I love enamel ware too. And antique or vintage kitchen gadgets and well toooooo many darn things lol. Loved the whisk broom valance and I need to check out that magazine you mentioned ! Thanks for sharing your collections.
Prim Huggs n Blessins
You have some beautiful collections :) But I have to admit my favorites are of the crocs, rolling pins and your jars...
wow....you have some great collections!!! love it all. i collect red enamelware also!!! hugs, amy
Love your collections ;)
I love how ya've displayed everything!
You do have some wonderful collections! Just found your blog and I am now a follower. I also love your clever wisk broom window treatment! Thanks for sharing with us!
they say dust is a protective coating for fine antiques and if that is the case, I have some pretty fine items! LOL
We have some collections in common. I haven't posted any for a long time but I, too, have a large collection of enamelware. I had to have shelves built in the summer kitchen to display my fave pieces and then I have boxes of cups and mugs!It's a disease, I think. I also have the whisk brooms but in a big wood bowl and a couple milk crates of blue jars, some made into canisters. Yep, we could be sistas separated before birth. HA HA.....
I have posted my rolling pins, though I don't remember when.
Very happy for your win. Enjoy!!
★ Linda
My collections started with crocks and rolling pins too!!! I love them! My dad actually collected them for me to start with and I've been collecting ever since!!
I also collect whisk brooms and love your valence!! Your enamelware is gorgeous! So far I only collect lids, as I just don't have the room. But they could look good on my shed????
Thanks for sharing!!
Love your jars, especially the labels. Where did you get them? Love, love them.
I collect enamelware and jars also. I actually have post today with a few jars in it..
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