Char, over at Pickled Pepper Patch suggested we find things we collect. Other than dust... I do have way to much I collect. I love crocks of all sizes and in the pst few yrs. I started collecting rolling pins to put in the crocks.

Of course, my jar collection I posted on not to long ago.

And my love for enamelware!! I cant seem to pass this up. I have way to much and yet I keep looking?????

This set is on the back wall of the screened in porch.

More enamelware in the laundry rm. along with a small collection of whisk brooms.

My whisk brooms I made into a valance in the laundry rm. No, I didn't come up with this idea. I think I first saw it in the Junk Beautiful magazine by Ki Nassauer, love those books!

More enamelware and jars.Well that will do for now on some of my collections. I'd love to part with the collection of dust! Any takers??????LOL