Well it looks as if our "little girls" who aren't so little any more were on the nice list?? Hey am I kidding, to be them! It's Christmas everyday for them. They are given their every whim. It's pretty sad when their asked what they want for Christmas and they don't know. I know, it's because they already have anything they want! But Santa will be "nice to them again this yr. They are good girls, good grades, polite manners, good hearts. Chelsea, Santa does know about that fender bender~

Looks like we will be getting a white Christmas this yr. in southeast Kansas!! In about an hr. it's suppose to let loose with some flakes. We are under a severe winter warning. I see all you girls pics with snow covered roofs already. We here haven't had a white Christmas for yrs. I am headed to Blockbuster for the movie and need to get the turkey in this evening. I think we will try to make our way into church with Taylor's boyfriends family for a candlelight service tonight.
May you all have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Yr. with your!!