Well I've been back to Hobby Lobby and bought more pumpkins. I love these. I played around a little yesterday in the kitchen with them. Made another display on my stove board. Won't be quiet so heavy for the daughter to lift off when she needs the stove. That has been the big complaint with her. It's to inconvenient when she wants to cook.

I moved the board that sat on the table over to my cabinet and swap things around. I gathered some acorns from the yard to put in the small wooden bowl for fall.

On Fri. Mike and I took off of work and headed on the 2nd annual 100 mile tag sale. we left the house at 5:30 so we could be in the next small town north of us. We traveled most of the day. I spent a total of $3. No not $3oo. or even $30, just $3. Not including breakfast and an occasional pop. Mike spent $15 I think. We were so disappointed. I don't know if it was because it was Fri. and many people were working or what. So I had planned not to go back out on Sat. Well I slept till about 7 and my SIL called and said oh I had missed a good one locally. My neighbor had called and said she had bought me a couple things at this sale too. So I scurried around and made my way over there and found a few things left. A couple bushel baskets and this great old metal laundry basket, and some sewing drawers. Well then I thought I might as well heard back to the town about 45 min. away. Taylor needed some black and orange ribbon for her hair for cheerleading on Mon. night. So off I went. I passed up a few and then I hit the mother load!! This family was selling off their dads stuff. Mom was there to price all the treasures but dad had loved auctions and never wanted to part with any of it. Oh the stuff I got!!!!!!

There where just outbuildings full of things. You could go pull stuff out and the lady would price it. there were some things I put back because she was to high for me. But I dug and dug! Watering cans and the big water jugs I found in an old shed. The wire rack she wanted a dime for. Old pulleys, I love the little old mailbox. And the red light works!

Here is a good shot of the laundry basket, it has holes in the sides of it with wooden handles. The utility table was holding a bunch of junk and I got it for $1. My neighbor bought me the kettle and oil can on top. Oh, and can you see the string of bells on the watering jug? They have the prettiest sound. the first time I heard them I thought of an old general store.

I found more bushel baskets. like three for .25!! And of course I love that galvanized!

This is the bargains I got on Fri. i love the grater. And this box of three compartments I have been looking for forever. I want to hang it and place three bowls in it. I found some prim material for $1

I have been doing a few repurposing a few weeks ago and just not posting them. These were a few things I have got at tag sales and redone. Love the little stool. Ill be saving them for my someday shop. There were many road side vendors out on the sale but many of them were dealers and so to high for my wallet. I loved what they had but I like to find it before they get to it! Well lst night I started working on a few more fall signs and I'm trying my had at the Pickled Peppers 2x4 wooden candy corn. Got a set painted black last night so I'm ready to paint in between laundry loads! Have a great Sunday!!
What great find you got and for such a small price. I love watering cans myself. I couldn't imagine 100 miles of sale! I really like the large basket you redid. Beautiful! Jayne
I sure love that round grater!!
Do you want to sell it?
Please let me know if you do or if you can find me another one like it!
You always find the coolest stuff!
Love ALL that stuff. Wow, what good finds!!
You made some terrific purchases. 100 miles of sales sounds just too good to be true! I wish I lived close enough to go. Blessings to you.
The mother load is right!!! What a perfect day!!!
Wow Dawn, how fun! I love all the stuff you got...that round grater is wonderful! I can't wait to see all the things you do with it. I loved your fall decor outside that you put together, stacking the apple baskets, the rake behind it...it all looks wonderful.
Wow, I love all of your goodies ~ really love those hobby lobby pumpkins, too. What a sale to go to, how fun.
you always find the "best" stuff at the "best" prices!
Wow, you found some neat treasures. The bushel baskets for .25!! That's good. I love the round grater and the black basket that you redid.
Oh my, there's so many goodies there to look at, my mind is on overload! You really hit the jackpot!
All your pumpkins look great displayed like that. Just love 'em!
Have a great day!
Hugs~ Birgit
I love the grater...what a find that was plus the watering can! Those bushel baskets will be great for fall!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your finds! I have been looking for old watering cans but none are to be found here right now. Those baskets are something I'd like also. I know you had a great time rummaging through the sheds finding those treasures.
Oh, you scored some awesome finds!! I've been doing Yard Sale Haul videos on my blog for most of the summer each Saturday...it's coming to an end now here in Ontario Canada...boo hoo, what will I do..lol
You found lots of great items there!
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