I've been working in my craft room at night, making a few things to take to school this week. Sometimes I make a few things up and take them into the workroom at school and the kind ladies I work with buy them up. This yr. I made some of the cute candy corn blocks. I tied them together in a bundle and added a prim tag. Then I had made myself some fall signs and had some scraps of wood left over and thought I'd make some small signs. I added some curly wire and scraps of material to some and I like how they turned out. I tried a few fall candle mats too!

More stenciling on fall signs. I also made some prim sunflowers I think I will take. I hit a few tag sales this morning. Last night I thought I'd just sleep in and once again I was wide awake at 6:30 so I got up and got the adds out and away I went. Lucky I did. The first few I didn't find much. I did find 4 small decoy ducks for my pool. A darling little metal lunch pail and a few old metal funnels. And then I thought I'd head home. I wasn't going to stop by the last one. I didn't figure from the add they wouldn't have anything I needed. Listed a lot of baby stuff. Well I drove by and there was the dresser I have been looking for for Taylor's room. Solid wood and priced at $12. I bought that puppy up fast and loaded it and off to the paint store I went. It was a nice light shade but I wanted to paint it white to match the rest of her furniture. Her old dresser had seen better days and one of the drawers was off the track. It was the dresser we used with her crib! So I primed and painted it today and got it loaded up with her under clothes while she is gone this evening. She left to attend a Kansas City Royals home game tonight with her boyfriend and his parents. She wont get back till late tonight. So I cleaned her room, changed her sheets, swept the floor and dumped out her trash. Something gross was growing in that trash can. It had attracted fruit flies, what ever it was. Oh! Why does she choose to live in such a messy room? I have placed clean folded clothes on her bed to be put away before she goes to bed and she will just sleep right on them! Sometimes you cannot see her floor because of all the clothes on it. I know its my fault, my mother tells me I let her get by with it all the time.

Here is a God jar I made a friend at work the other day. we where talking the other day and she said, hey when you are sitting at home with nothing to do and you are thinking, What could I make Vicki today, could you make me a God jar, to put all my prayers and worries I have over to God? Well sure, so that evening I whipped up this God Jar for her. Well it's late but I'm not going to bed until Taylor get home, so I guess I'll go read some post from you all today. Maybe I'll post some pics of the dresser tomorrow and some of my finds from tag sales today. Enjoy your Sunday tomorrow.