
This is a makeover I did this week. I love how it turned out! So much I'd love to keep it, but put it where?? I sprayed it black, sprayed it cream, sanded it and stained it. I added an old rusty wire and I think its so cute.

A town close by has this cute cute prim/craft shop that I love to visit. She had a add in the paper that she was having a yard sell! I got some fun things. The cream star bucket is lighted. The flat box in the background is rough but she painted on it and I pd. $3. I thought I could use it in my someday shop to hold small samplers or material. The old watering can is really rough but she painted on it and I pd. $5. The wire rack was $2. I thought magazines or paper plates would be fun. The red stripe can is an old paint can I think,$3.

I love the little rabbit guy holding a bag of carrots. I paid a pricey $14 for him. The wire rack behind was only $4. and the white cabinet front with the cut out star was $4. I didn't get a good shot of the feeder in the back, Love it. She painted on it too. $12.

This piece I just bought about half hour ago at a tag sale for $2.50 Thought I'd paint it up prim.

The green hinged box would be cute painted up on a desk. More zinc lids. I pd. .25 per jar. I mainly wanted the lids. Rolling pin was $1 and the box I might paint up to put in Taylor's room. She has things on her dresser that end up on the floor all the time. I'll paint it up one of the three colors of her room.

More goodies. I got these Thurs. night at a tag sale. The canisters were all inside each other. I pd. .75 for all this!! I'll paint up the canisters and hanging thing. The bread box is to cute to paint.
Well I have been having such good luck on Friday sales. It's been so hot. Taylor finished up with band camp tonight. They just had a pool party and now are going bowling tonight. I helped during lunch this week. We feed them in the high school cafeteria. My first yr. experience with band booster. We are looking into several fundraisers for a trip to San Antonio Tx. this yr. It's going to get very busy with her schedule I think. Well I've mowed this afternoon and I need to go water. Better get out there. Have a great weekend.
I had a bread box just like that which I sold at a garage sale recently...will be interesting to see how you fix it up..(should have kept mine i guess but it took up too much vakluable counter space I need for baking and canning.) You found some great itemes!
Love the makeover!!!. Looks awesome. Nice findings.
I love what you did with the shelf. That is darling. You get such great ideas for makeovers...
Oh that shelf looks fantastic! I just love it!!
I can't beleive all the great things you find. The yard sales around here never have good stuff like that. I'd go yard saling all the time!
If you don't want to keep the blue jars, send me an e-mail and I'll take them off your hands.
Hugs~ Birgit
LOVE YOUR MAKE-OVER!! I can see why you would want to keep it. What great other finds as well... you have been a maniac with finding goodies lately... go girl!
Thanks for sharing. I love seeing them!!
Love the make over all of your new goodies. I wish I had half the luck of some of you ladies. My GW TS finds are ok but nothing like some I see on here.
I love your make over...my sister's town is having a community sale this coming weekend!
Love the makeover so neat & prim!
you are so talented.. I hope one of these days I can paint - prim things up as well :) I am still really new at it..
Love the finds and all of your makeovers. It is so much fun to take something old and turn it into something totally new for very little money.
My problem is space, why do I put it.
You had asked me about the little red cooler on my site. I'll sell it for $19 plus shipping. Please email me at robolady@hotmail.com to discuss.
Just wanted to say, I am soooooo jealous:) Love all your finds! Sara
That is an awesome makeover... can you come to my house? hee,hee. I have a tough time "seeing" what somthing can turn into. Love your blog! Come visit me at notesfromthehomestead.blogspot
I have a new section called "what the heck should I do with this" and I would love your input. Take care!
Morning friend..the little bench turned out great and I have a bread box just like that one in the shed! lol Hope all is well with you & yours and that you have a great week.
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