Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer Fun

 I hit the tag sales this past weekend and found alot of goodies. Ya know sometimes I come home with nothing and I think, ok im done and the next weekend ya find all kinds of things and you get your mojo back!
 This weekend I ran along a sale who had a couple pair of old redwing workboots and I thought ah flowers! So I bought a pair for .25cents and took them home. I went out by my potting shed and pulled up some ground cover and threw in some dirt wala!
 I loved them so much I went back out and bought the other pair!

  I picked up these two old cans for $1 a piece and they will go on top of my fridge along with the others I have collected. I am so bad about not showing pics of what I end up doing with some of my finds.
 I bought these beauties from a friends tag sale. $7 for these little cuties! I love the pop of red it brings to my yard.

 Emanelware... your just cant get enough of these. Think I paid $2 for this one and I just fell in love with this cute little caged light fixture for $1  it is wire ready but I actually put it over my outdoor water feature on my deck in a display of enamelware hung on the side of the house. Ill have to post it soon.
 I hit a tag sale way out in the country, I drove and almost gave up thinking I was lost. But glad I didnt cause I found a few good things. This old bed frame was $5 Ill use it in my yard somewhere.
 And these Im so pleased with... $1 a piece Ive seem so many things done with them. Ive seen strips of material tied to cover the shade, Ive seen them attached as is to a vintage edison bulb which I might do or just hung from a rafter on a deck as a chandelier.
 $5 is what I paid for these old tin panels I bought 4 of them thinking I might hang several together. Somethings, no Id say most things I buy not knowing what or where Im going to put them but knowing I will use them at somepoint. I store alot of things in my potting shed and when I change things up I go out there and hunt around for just the right assesory.

 Last thing was this old nesting box. Id love to use it in the house somewhere but I can also see pretty flowers spilling out of it. Ill find a place for it!!
So on the way home from the sale out in the country I stopped and picked some of these little daisy flowers and put them in a enamelware pitcher on the kitchen island. They just remind me of a country summer. Enjoy your day!!


Theresa said...

Love, love, LOVE the nesting box. What a great find.

Earlene said...

Wow!!!! You found a mother lode saleing!!!!!