Well even though we are coming off of spring break this morning and will return to finish out the school yr. in the morning, we have had a beautiful snowfall. We woke up to the trees covered in a powdery frosting.
The old vintage chairs have a new wet cushion of snow. I love how the iron trim around the birdbath looks!
The galvanized chicken feeder on the patio table has a snow white topper.
No need to worry about that mower seeing any work today!
I enjoy watching the squirrels use this old apple ladder to scamper up the tree. It would be a slick one today.
This is a rain chain off my deck, this morning it is collecting crystal flakes.
A chilly dream this would be this morning. I love how the snow is sticking to the old gate.
Well I am so ready for spring I can hardly stand it. And honestly didn't think we'd see snow again this season. But I am thankful I was able to be home inside my warm house to see it and not have to get out. The birds have enjoyed a bountiful tray of seed on the deck and the temps are already clearing the roads. So I will enjoy it for today and dream of warm temps and that beautiful sunshine.
A Recently Sourced Curated Vignette
I love it when "new" vintage decor for the pop-up shop comes together to
create a styled and cohesive vignette. Keep reading for the details and a
few tips...
8 hours ago