The weather here in southeast Kansas has been extremely warm. Warm enough to get me in a bit of a Spring decorating mood. So on this Sunday I took down all the winter garland and put up some ivy!

I went out on the porch and grabbed a few things, watering can, some enamelware an a couple old pulleys. I kind of went for a green backdrop.

Moved an old window frame in and wrote a few new sayings on it. Junk Sale. Filled a mason jar with green split peas and pulled a few pieces of green enamelware from around the house. I just love that stuff!!

Some old wooden pulleys should do the trick!

The old pulley behind the chair and jar is a rope twister I found last yr. at a tag sale. I also found some old rope I hung from the fire exstingisher.

In the dining rm. I put away the Christmas pillows and nestled some black and white enamelware with some ivy in the old tool box.

I should have left well enough alone on my blog, but I see all these great templates on all you ladies blogs. I ran across some free primitive templates from twincreekprimitives.blogspot.com and she had great directions on using her free ones. I however didn't remove the old template and now the new one is under my old template. I cant seem to figure out how you remove the old one, now I noticed I also don't have my playlist. Hmmmm? If anyone out there could give me a pointer on this I'd sure appreciate it :)

You ladies have a great week!