Love this old wooden wagon, it belongs to another lady that helped decorate.
Another setting with some great foliage and am loving the old Jon Deere tracker touch, good idea Kathy!! Well it was fun decorating with you girls and I look forward to doing it again next yr. We are having a fun week. No school the rest of the week YEA! We have a big football game tonight and then on to the carnival rides and corn dogs! Had a great pulled pork last night. Sid and Taylor shared nachos and a fried Milky way. Yuck! They said it was good! The food vendors just line both sides of our downtown streets for about 4 blocks. We have 4 blocks of big carnival rides, a huge bandstand set up in the middle of downtown for all the street acts and everyone brings their lawn chairs. It's a great great time. Lots of people come home for Neewollah that have moved away. It's just a good time to catchup and see old friends!~