Boy you just
don't know how much your on the computer until you
don't have one. We had a virus. Now just why does someone have to set out there and make these up to infect us all? Just tell me why? But were back on track now and
I'm posting some tag sale finds I got this weekend. I have been
anticipating this sale all summer. She always has a great one. We have the same taste and here is a great old flag picture that I'm thinking may have come from some old school house, at least I'd like to think. 'll use it next fourth!!

ii have been so bored lately, its too hot to do much outside but one day I managed to get a couple of signs made.

This great basket was $5. The little box was .50 and the tin was $2, a little more than I like to pay but I got a good deal on some other things there. So it all evens out.

This wooden box I almost left behind but it was only $2.

These are what I think I got a good deal on. Each wire egg crate was only $3 each.

I got a few tins from her as well to round out my collection! The baking soda tin is huge! Never seen one this big.

And a couple more I put in the
Hoosier cabinet. Well I'd better get supper cleaned up, the boyfriend has been over for dinner this week his folks are gone. So I fell I have to fix a
descent meal. I have just given them $ to go out. They like that too. Have a great evening!