What a long week, my baby girl had to have an emergency appendextamy last Thurs. She came home sick from school on wed. and I thought she had the flu. A CT later showed her appendix was bulging. She's back to school and feeling better. Scary tho. It's hard when it's your kids. That's kept me busy caring for her. Not done much else. Ready to play catchup on the laundry and house. Finally the snow is melting and the temps are milder. Have a great weekend
I hope she will be better soon. My friend's daughter had the same today. Now she is in recovery.
How scary Dawn! I'm glad she's back in school and doing well.
Take care,
I'm glad she is doing well. Take time for yourself to rest up also.
I sooo hope she is doing better and better each day! Take care of yourself too! She needs a strong, healthy Momma! Sometimes us Mom's put our own health and well being on the back burner for our kiddos!!
So glad you DD is OK and back to school. We never stop worrying about them, do we?
Hope she is doing better....
She is soooo beautiful. Love the hair, my is long, but It don't think it looks near as nice as hers.
uh Dawn.....I know you're all excited about winning the giveaway and all but you kinda forgot to SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS!!!!! LOL LOL
I so hope your daughter is feeling alot better by now! Thank goodness this weekend is nearly here too!
Glad your daughter is feeling better. I was wondering how I could follow your blog...I don't see the "button"!!!LOL
Dawn...I do hope you are alright...I never did hear from you on the address...hope you understand that in all fairness I have to choose another winner..take care girl...hope to hear all is well soon..Picket
DAWN!!!! Oh my word girl...now I feel awful!!! I have searched my emails all the way back to two months ago and there is nothing there from you...I don't understand it..I even double check the comment I left you with my email address in case I had typed it wrong...girl I am so sorry...why didn't you say something on the post to alert me...I don't understand..did you put the little underscore after perryspride...oh girl this is awful...now I am crying like a blubbering dufus...I couldn't imagine why I wasn't hearing from you...I am so sorry...please try again..I will send you something...leave me a note saying when you send so I can start searching.
Oh Dawn...I am so glad you left me a note...I have just been physically sick all day just thinking about all this..I still don't understand why I haven't gotten your emails...I have cried everytime I think about all this...I would never do anything to hurt or offend you girl...is there anyway you could leave your email on my blog...I will delete it immediately after I get it...to delete a comment you just go into edit post and see comments and there is a little trash can at the end of each post...you click it to delete it..but don't worry about deleteing mine so much....just give me yours and I will try to email from this end....I just have to make this right girl and thank you so much for being so kind...let me hear from you...
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