all the good tag sales are over for the season you run across one! I had slept in for once and the neighbor called and said, "get out here, theres a good one! I head out and she was right. She had saved this old chicken feeder for me for $2. But my eye caught a few more treasures!

The old black boots will be cute in the yard for $1. Love the old church chair for $1, the old small wooden box for $1, table legs he wanted $4, I think I gave him $3. The old picture frame I can make a sampler for.

Just fell in love with these two vintage bedside clocks for $3 each. The old red can is a coffee can and a couple enamelware things.

I bought all of this inside the bucket for $5. It came with lots of lids!! I rented a booth at a new consignment shop uptown late last week. The Country Calico Cat. Ill have to post some pics of it. I fell into a great booth. Actually a bigger booth that I'm sharing than a booth for one. It's #2, great location. I set it up with lots of my fall things and with the Neewollah celebration starting this coming week I hope to sell a few things. I did well with selling them at school. I ended up bringing in stuff three times there. I like the looks of my booth. I go in every so often and do some arranging. I'll see how things go through the holidays. It's $35 a month rent and 10% of sales. Well see. Well the husband is on a long weekend bike run. Left Fri. morning with several guys for a run down into Arkansas. He had called and said the leave where beautiful. He will return Sun evening. It's gorgeous weather today. The leaves in my yard are stunning, all around town they are perfect. It will look nice for the Neewollah festivities this week. Hope the rain stays away. The daughter and her boyfriend went to the play last night. It will run until tomorrow and then on Mon. the talent show and Tues. the coronation of our Queen, may local senior girls will go out for this title of Queen Neelah!! Wed. starts the down town carnival rides and many great street acts. We have a huge stage and feature many local talents and some are brought in to sing each evening. The street are lined with great smelling food vendors and on Thurs. we have a Doo Dah parade, many adults dress up to a themed parade. Fri. we have the Kiddie Parade with thousands of kids and their parents dressing up, many hours are spent on float decorations for the kiddies. And on Sat. is our Grand Parade, people coming from miles away, bands attending, it sometimes last 3 hrs.!! Our population will grow for the day from a small town of 10,000 to as many as 80,000. It's really a fun fun time for Independence. You can check us out at
www.neewollah.com Well it's to pretty for me to sit here much longer. Outside is calling me and I could find tons of things to work on. Have a great weekend!