Well I've been decorating my little heart out. I started deep cleaning a couple wks ago before hauling all my Christmas things down from the attic!~ Ive got a basket full of bells here on the hall table.

Here's a picture of my beautiful girls on Thanksgiving Day! Chelsea my 19 yr old niece, Taylor my 16 yr, old daughter and Brooke my 15 yr old niece.

Aren't they just model beautiful!!! I can remember them one Christmas not to long ago doing a Christmas play right here in the living rm.! Now their all growing up! Taylor hates it that she's the shortest, (note her standing on the hearth just to be up there with them)

This is Tyler her boyfriend spending the weekend with us!!

Love all my snowman!! Got him perched on a picnic basket.

The fireplace is all treed out!

This is my candy cane station. I saw this idea in the new Country Sampler Christmas magazine and decided to create a nook for our home! The girls were already into the sweets on Thanksgiving day.

Santa underwear hung proudly on the front door!

A little garland on another cabinet.

My top hat trees in the living rm with some of the antique toys I've collected through out the summer from tag sales.

Some of my handy work on some pillows tacked in a basket.

I made a few wooden candy canes out of dowel rods one summer. Try and eat those girls!

Some antiqued tags I have on the trees.

This is the best thing I got this summer. My cousin was such a great fried this yr and has continues to tag sale for me even after school started and I could no longer go. One day she texted me and had bought this for me. Isn't it cool! Its an old tool box of some kind and I had such fun decorating it for the holidays. I knew the first time I saw it I was going to put it where I did for Christmas! I love the pillows and rolling pins tucked in it! I've already gotten so many complements on it! Thanks Towanna!!

A stocking hung on an old window frame in the dining rm.

This is the cabinet in the dining rm. where I have alot of old jars displayed.

A chalkboard I picked up this summer. I love it too sitting in the dining rm. entryway with a greeting written on it.

Another pic of the wooden box!

The old mail slot cabinet above the sofa, all deep cleaned and dust free now!

Sorry a double pic:/

Looking into the dining rm from the living rm.

Well that's all for now. Elf the movie is on and I love that show. Have a great week ladies!!