I thought I'd take some photos of some of the fall decor I have put together. I don't feel like I went all out like I have in the past. I don't know why, I used up almost all my fall stuff in my tubs. Anyway this is my fireplace and mantle area.

A few pumpkins atop a freebie cabinet I found on the curb one day.

My entry way table.

I use alot of sunflowers in my fall decorating.

Some great pumpkins in a big old wooden bowl.

My tool box painted barn red makes a great fall display on the kitchen island.

Porch junk!!!

I love this corner. I made the Neewollah sign, sold a slug of them last yr. at school. Neewollah is Halloween spelled backwards. Its an annual celebration we have here in Independence Ks. Carnival, street acts, kiddie and grand parade. Google it, its a fun time for families!

Still getting good use out of my summer ferns and geraniums.

I have been so fortunate that my cousin has been out scouting around at fall Friday morning sales for me. I will come home and find many treasures in my yard that she has picked up for me. I think I have her hooked on "picking". This is an old chicken nesting house I think. $2

My fav find of the day was this old tool box. It just spoke to me. You can't duplicate this "wear and tear" on anything. I love it. It may find itself on my entry table this winter. $3!!!

These were great finds too! The big galvanized tub has a hole in it but for .50 its mine. The rope was $2.00 Ill use that around my pool area next summer. I'm so loving the two galvanized buckets for .50 , yes .50. I love the graphics on them.

This twin bed was a find for $10.00 I plan on painting it black and scuffing it up. Need to buy a twin mattress and will put it in the computer rm. for an overnight guest. The star from the same tag sale was $2 and the old royal blue roasting pan was .50 Great finds this weekend!

Last but not least, met Ollie, our new dapple dashand puppy. Sadly we lost our 13 yr old Scooter to a coyote a few months ago. So we felt we needed a new baby around the house. He's been alot of work cleaning up after him, but he is a joy!!

He wants to chew on everything even Taylor's nose here in this photo. We miss you lots Scooty!!!!