"Sweet 16 Birthday Girl"

My daughter Taylor turned 16 last weekend! We had a little family ice cream and cake to celebrate. This is her boyfriend Sid!

Tay and Whitley, her best friend since preschool. On February 25th they were cheering at the last home game of the season and Taylor was dismounting from about 6 ft. off the ground and someone had to readjust their hands which caused Taylor to loose her balance and she fell landing on her hip. Long story short the ambulance was called to the gym and she was rushed to the ER for MRIs, CAT scans and xrays. We stayed overnight for observation. She was on crutches for 2 wks. She bruised the inside of the bone in her ball and socket. Och! Thank God, she has since recovered and yesterday tried out for the IHS dance team and made it!! She had wanted to try out for dance before the accident. We are very proud of her for this. My niece Brooke a sophomore next yr. also made the team. So were so excited for them both!

Mike bought her a newer car for her birthday, a slate gray 2004 PT Cruiser!!

We have been wanting to get her out of the Sunfire, it's a smaller car and wanting to get her something bigger.

Friends tagged her car the morning of her birthday. Here she is on her way to school!

For along time she has wanted to get her belly button pierced. Dad wasn't crazy about it. But I took her up and had it done for her 16th!! She said it hurt! But she loves it now.

I was on Dots blog this morning and she had purchased these glass canisters from Walmart with scoops and added beans to it. I loved the idea, so ya I copied it! I do love it tho, they are sitting on an old dishwasher I found at a tag sale sometime back. I have it in my kitchen

Today being the first of Spring Break I got busy and changed a few things up. I added an old screen door to the living rm.

Changed the display in the hallway.

Got out some carrots for the big old bowl on the dining rm table.

Added some to the stove board along with some great Kansas sunflowers I dried a few yrs back
. I sure hope to run across a field this yr. I missed them last yr.

I found a new quote for the old chalkboard on the attic door.

And one on the old door I have leaning up in the kitchen. Thanks for looking girls. The weekends suppose to be a wet one. But next week is looking beautiful. I have some projects planned. Ill try to take some pick of my progress!